Stout Guy Brewing Logo
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Stout Guy Brewing &
Computer Consulting

Enjoying a fine glass of Swami's IPA after the 12 Hours of Belgian Beer at Pizza Port
(refresh page for a new image)
If you've been paying attention and noticed the title of the website, you'll no doubt guess that two of my big passions are Beer and Computers.
I drink it. I brew it. I write about it. I'm just on this side of obsessed about it. No, this isn't about "beer" as in Coors Light twins, mega brewed commercials.
The beer I like to brew and drink is full of flavor to enjoy. Take a look around
While you're at it, check out the website I run for my homebrew club, the Maltose Falcons of Los Angeles.
A friend's soon-to-be commercial brewery, Revolutionary Brewing Co.
WWII Era Bomber Flights - A Tale in Pictures
My work as a Programmer

Page Last Modified: September 15 2005 04:57:22.